Monday, June 13, 2011

¡Me Encanta Madrid!

This weekend I went to Madrid and I have a LOT to write about.

Side note: OB was pretty boring. It was all woment who have already had their babies so we didn´t get to see and live births unfortunately. Just a lot of screaming babies.

So after clinical on Friday, me, Jessica, and two of my friends, Amanda and Tom took the train to Madrid. The trains here are beautiful. They are roomy and have tvs on them and a cafeteria and the bathroom doesn´t make you want to puke. It was so nice and the scenery was beautiful. I saw vineyards, farm, and even a castle. I didn´t realize how much of Spain is farmland. It´s actually mostly farmland with a few cities. I had to sit by myself because I´m and idiot and when I was booking my ticket I forgot to put what seat I wanted. I made friends though with the lady sitting next to me. Turns out she´s a doctor at the Alicante Hospital. I told her I was a med student (that´s the only way I can describe it becuase people here don´t understand pre-med). We were comparing and contrasting health care in our countries. To my surprise she told me she likes the way our health care system is. She said she feels our doctors are more educated and more knowledgable. I couldn´t disagree with her there. I did my best to speak and understand spanish. I think I´m getting better...

When we got to Madrid, we were overwhelmed with how big the train station is. It´s bigger than Grand Central, i´ll tell you that. We gota taxi and got to our hotel, which was actually kinda nice. The only problem was that we had 4 people staying in a room meant for 2 people. We had to sneak around the whole time to avoid getting charged for havign exra people.

After we unpacked we decided to walk around and find a place to eat. We walked down Gran Via (which is synonomous to Broadway in NY). After scouting out some menus we decided on this Italian Resturant called Bocca di Pepo. It was a nice restaurant, and reasonably priced. I got this ravioli type thing where the pasta was green and triangle shaped. It was in this creamy mushroom sauce. Delicious!

After we walked around some more. I was fascinated by the architecture of the buildings. Incredible. I have more to write, but I will do so in a seperate post because there´s so much!

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