Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Necesito una siesta!

So a few days ago we passed this bar (the same bar with the creeps that we left from a few nights ago) that was having a beer pong tournament. Being Americans, we had to go and sign up. So last night we got all ready and headed to the bar at around 10:30, which we thought was a reasonable time to go out. It was not. We got there and there was no one in the bar. Literally no one but the bartenders. So lucky for us, we made some friends.

We got some free beer and free sangria, then when everyone started showing up the beer/sangria/TEQUILA SHOTS were 1 euro each. So so cheap!

As people started showing up we took note that a lot of them were speaking English, and better yet, American English. It had been so long since we'd been around Americans besides ourselves we were starting to get excited.

Side note: Before I came to Spain, some of my foreign friends would say "Oh you're being so American" or "That was so American of you." I never knew what that meant, until now. We really do stick out like sore thumbs. The boys with their backwards hats and the girls with blonde hair and flighty presence.

It felt comfortable to be an American around other Americans. At around 12 there was a loud whistle that signified the tournament to begin. Two girls from our group were in the tournament so we were rooting for them.

One of the girls in our group (her name is also Amanda) was telling us that she loved tequila. So I said, "Well do you wanna do a shot?" and she said that she'd never done one before.... so I took it upon myself to make that change. We went to the bar, ordered tequila (apparently you can just say tequila and the word "shot" is implied). We licked our hands, poured the salt, got our limes ready, and cheered to her first tequila shot. She was in love. I think I created a monster because she had like 5 more that night. Oops. hah

The night was so much fun. The music was good, the 1 euro sangria was terrible and the 1 euro beer wasn't much better. I mainly stuck to sangria and this delicious beer called "Clara." I met a guy from St. Louis who was here for an internship. So cute and really nice. We compared all the places we'd been and placed we want to go. Before he got called to the beer pong table, we made plans to hang out again. It wasn't till after he left I realized we never picked a place, time, date, and I didn't have his number or know his last name. Who knows, maybe I'll see him again.

So the plan was to stay until 1:30 last night because we all had class the next morning. Well, that didn't happen. I think we left the bar around 3 and got home around 3:30. Of course I overslept and was almost late to class the next morning...oops.

The next morning we all came into the class and our professor asked (in spanish) if we went out the night before. We all nervously laughed and said Si.... she laughed so hard and basically patted us on the back for it. She wanted to know where we went/what we did. Then when we told her she was like, "Oh no, you need to go here. This bar is much better." Haha this would not happen in the US.

After class and after lunch pretty much everyone took a nap. A 3 hour nap. Oops haha. I think I'm either going to do my homework or do laundry. I need to do laundry before I go to Amsterdam. I totally didn't pack the right clothes btw. I need to go buy warmer clothes. I forgot Amsterdam is more north than where we are. Oops again.

Ciao for now!

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